Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Hello Kitty Green Circle Lens Review **LIGHT EYES

 A few months ago, a friend of mine sent me a photo of a Hello Kitty contact, which was pink. I was SUPER excited to see that Hello Kitty Contacts actually existed!! I set out to find them after another friend sent the same photo to me...if there's one thing you'll ever know about me, it's that I'm a Hello Kitty FANATIC!
So, anywhosies, I came across them on accient on the pinkyparadise Facebook page. It was then that I found out that they came on more than just pink! But, I also found out that all colours were sold out-except for the purple. Although I do in fact love myself a purple contact, I just didn't want them in purple. I wanted grey or blue, possibly even green(but that was my very last choice). Finally, one day after rechecking availablitiy, I found them in stock in green, so I bought them as fast as I could. 
They took about 15 days to be delivered, felt like forever, but worth the wait. THEY'RE SO CUTE!!

Natural Light(with adjusted exposure)

Natural Light(no adjustments)

 Hallway Light


One in, One out

Natural Iris

Comfort: 2/5 Can't even wear these for an hour. They're just for short fun looks.
Vibrance: 5/5 Super pretty green!
Enlargement: 5/5 SUPER BIG! 15 mm
Overall, I'd say that I wouldn't buy them green. I will purchase them in grey and blue, just to see how they look. It's a real shame of how uncomfortable they are. I'd love to wear them out and about for hours at a time.


Tuesday, April 9, 2013

GEO: Princess Mimi Chocolate Brown Bambi Series Circle Lens Review **Light Eyes**

I have a large obsession with brown eyes, so of course I've always wanted brown eyes! Not forever, just for funzies. I also have a huge obsession with circle lenses, I just love the dolly look they give me. (:
So, I'm kinda on a quest to find the perfect brown circle lens for LIGHT EYES. Earlier when I was in Korea, I had the chance to try on like 10 pairs of brown, yet they all looked horrible. So, when I went home, I got on the computer and found I spent many days scrolling through all the browns, and finally bought my first online pair -the best looking brown I could find and with at least one light eye photo. It took exactly 14 days for them to arrive at my doorstep, and I got the cutest case. (:

Natural Eye
One in, One out
Natural Light
 Hallway Light
Comfort: I would give these a 3.5/5 for comfort. I can wear them for 3 hours at most, they kinda get irritating. 
Enlargement: 5/5 
Vibrancy: 4/5 
Overall, I'd say they were a pretty great choice for my first pair. They're not that noticable unless it's super bright or someones standing way too close to me. ^-^