Friday, August 31, 2012

"Mirror Mirror"

These photos are from about two almost three months ago, but I just love them so much I wish everyone could see them!
Back in June, my mom brought home some of her old furniture that had been sitting in a friends basement. Among them was and AWESOME giant, round mirror. Once I laid eyes on it, I knew I wanted to take photos in it. I knew of a really pretty place like maybe a block away from my house that I could take it to and set it in. The place is what I call "Narnia" it truly has a magical look to it. Out of all the ugly in Greeley, it really is one of the prettiest places. It's infested with insects and other creatures, but it's still better than all of the houses to look at.
Anyway, my picture in my mind was fairytale like, the mirror had another world in it. Sort of already thought of, but I still wanted to take these photos.
The princess is portrayed by me in my lime green prom dress. As much as I hated the colour of that dress, the shape and style was perfect.
The story that always comes up in my head, it there is a princess who is walking through the woods and she stumbles upon this opening in to a part of the woods she's never been. When she walks in through, it's like nothing she has ever seen. Then, she spots this mirror, it draws her in. I don't really know what kind other world I want it to be, but I made either the Outside or the mirror black and white. Never leaving both in colour. There are some exceptions to this in Megans.

Then there is Megan, the "witch" so to say, the wicked one. I see her portayal as more of a vanity. Kinda like the "Tangled" effect. She stumbles upon the mirror before anyone else, and she wants to keep it a secret. Sadly, I don't have the photos of the both of us on my computer. But, in our photos, she is following me around. It shows me walking around and she is secretly behind me.

Kinda like Snow White but obviously not the same costume or backdrop.
It was so fun taking these photos. (: I took Megans, and she took mine. I just love getting dressed up and taking awesome photos. Even though it was hard getting a giant, round mirror in to "Narnia" and we may have gotten a few weird looks, the outcome was spendid!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Drama, the Korean kind!

I can't lie, I'm addicted to watching Korean dramas. I don't know what it is about it, the eye candy, the language, the story line..I just start watching one and then I sit down and watch and watch and watch and soon enough, my day is gone and I only have one more episode to watch. I'm not calling this an obsession, I see it more as a mild road block? It's like reading a good book. You start it and you HAVE to finish it. Some books you can put down for a while and pick it back up the next day, while others are the kind where if someone so happens to interrupt you while you're pulled in to that made up world, you just might want to rip off their heads for taking you away from it for even a split second.

I see these Korean dramas in this way. Except the obvious, it's a video, not words written in a book. With these visuals come EXTREMELY attractive eye candy. Mmm the boys (: Those Korean dramas have some of the best looking guys ever. It makes you wonder, WHY ARE THERE NO BOYS LIKE THAT WHO LIVE NEXT TO ME?! Then you see the lead actress and of course, OF COURSE she is extremely pretty. Maybe a little nerdy, but never ever something hard to look at.
 It's easy to see that after watching two or three of these dramas, you can see the story line is pretty much the same. Girl likes boy, boy doesn't really like girl(or just pretends), but things happen in the middle and BOOM girl gets boy she likes(or vice versa). OR two boys are fighting over one girl and you wonder who will get her in the end(but sometimes you just know who).
No matter what the story line though, any girl would want to be in that lead actresses shoes. Any girl.
So, when I'm watching these, I get sucked in. My mind leaves the here and now and enters the drama. But, then after I watch the drama, I sit by myself and get sad. I mean, it's kinda unfair. Those dramas just set the bar HIGH for boyfriend dating material.

Let's see what they need:
1. The most important of all!
-Nice hair!
-Super kissble lips
Because without looks, what is there to draw you in? Nothing.
2. Money- On top of those looks, who doesn't like a rich pretty boy? No one.
3. A Super Nice House- That's kind of a duh..lots of money=fancy houses!
4. A Winning Personality...(?)- So, ok not all of the guys have that winning personality, they're kinda like; Oh, I'm gonna play my cool guy card AKA douchebag attitude, but then as time goes on, he's really just a sweet guy!
5. Charm- there is nothing more to say.
So, how high do they make the standards? Off the charts, is fair to say.
And the standards for a girl?
1. Cute, cute, cute
2. Pretty, pretty, pretty
3. Skinny, skinny, skinny
4. That "hard to get" attitude(usually)
5. Again, charm

Well, I guess it's hard to find a guy with all of those traits, I'm definitely not the K-Drama girl standard.. S: But still, good looks and a winning personality is enough for me (: tehe

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Starting out Life in Chicago

I've recently moved to Chicago to be a nanny for one year. I've visited Chicago twice before, so it wasn't such a whoa factor the third time coming here. I'm used to the skyscrapers, the homeless people, the amazing shopping, the oversized and sometimes over the top buildings, the crowded streets, and all the tourists. It gets kind of bland after a week, there is a lot to do here BUT since I just moved here, the only people I know are my family members. :S Such a big city can become such a lonely place when you only speak to maybe 3 people out of millions. So for now I'm going to start this blog to keep me sort of sane, without flooding my Facebook with lame posts about...really nothing. :D Anyhoo, I don't know how to end I guess I'll get back to my K-Drama (: Toodles!