Monday, December 17, 2012

Bye bye, Chicago.

 As of today, I no longer live in Chicago. It's a rather bittersweet feeling. Before I left, I was actually more excited to leave The Windy City, but now as I look through my album of Chicago, I feel a tad sad. Yes, I do not and will NEVER miss the wind, amount of homeless people, and excessively large amount of the same Louis Vuitton bags on the streets. Although, as I think of it, I will miss the convenience of walking around and the subway, the yummy pizza, the Korean church I was only able to attend 3 times, and probably most of all: Chinatown. Man, did I love that place, Boba Tea GALORE! Plus they they had a Hello Kitty shop. Oh, and I can't forget that glorious nine floor library.  (:
 But aside from that, as I think about it more and more, I do realize that I will miss Chicago quite a lot. Although I was unable to make friendships, just a simple meet someone and saaay we'll hang out, but people these days...just say that. "Let's hang out" really is code for, I'm trying to be nice, but I'm just going to ignore you after today, since I'll most likely never see you again. I guess it's sort of a good thing I didn't really make any friends there, I'm not leaving anyone behind. No one to say "oh, I miss you so much" to. Guess having no friends does have it's ups! ^-^

 I can't say I'll cry about leaving Chicago, I think it's a great place to visit, but to live? Meh, it's not the life for me. Can't keep up with so many fashion trends and rich people. I'll sure visit someday in the future, with a friend, so it won't be as lonely. Chicago is super fun if you have: MONEY AND FRIENDS. Which I had neither of. Oh well, twas a good experience. Off to Seattle I go!

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