Wednesday, December 19, 2012

I'm Beginning to Look a Lot Like CHRISTMAS!

 Yes , me. Yesterday I wrapped myself up in Christmas lights, set my camera on timer, and took some pretty awesome(well at least I think) photos. Because EVERYONE needs those typical wrapped up in Christmas lights photos at least once in their life. I, myself, find them so pretty and artistic! I also love how everyone has their own interpretation of these photos, it's fun to look at all of them. My friend, LJ, on the other hand does not get the concept. He posted a while back on Facebook asking why people did such a thing. Of course I had to bark back at him that it's artistic and looks pretty! But he still didn't get it. Later he posted a silly photo -also not-so-artistic- photo of him in lights with a caption saying: Am I cool now? Or something along those lines. Makes me sad that he can't see the beauty in those types of photos. But, oh well. I uploaded those photos to Facebook and titled the album "Dedicated to LJ" and under I put in the description that it does look cool and there is a point. Of course, the flake said nothing to me. What a butthole. But at least I am pleased with how they look. Even if wearing the lights got a little too hot after a few minutes.

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