Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Hello Kitty Green Circle Lens Review **LIGHT EYES

 A few months ago, a friend of mine sent me a photo of a Hello Kitty contact, which was pink. I was SUPER excited to see that Hello Kitty Contacts actually existed!! I set out to find them after another friend sent the same photo to me...if there's one thing you'll ever know about me, it's that I'm a Hello Kitty FANATIC!
So, anywhosies, I came across them on accient on the pinkyparadise Facebook page. It was then that I found out that they came on more than just pink! But, I also found out that all colours were sold out-except for the purple. Although I do in fact love myself a purple contact, I just didn't want them in purple. I wanted grey or blue, possibly even green(but that was my very last choice). Finally, one day after rechecking availablitiy, I found them in stock in green, so I bought them as fast as I could. 
They took about 15 days to be delivered, felt like forever, but worth the wait. THEY'RE SO CUTE!!

Natural Light(with adjusted exposure)

Natural Light(no adjustments)

 Hallway Light


One in, One out

Natural Iris

Comfort: 2/5 Can't even wear these for an hour. They're just for short fun looks.
Vibrance: 5/5 Super pretty green!
Enlargement: 5/5 SUPER BIG! 15 mm
Overall, I'd say that I wouldn't buy them green. I will purchase them in grey and blue, just to see how they look. It's a real shame of how uncomfortable they are. I'd love to wear them out and about for hours at a time.


Tuesday, April 9, 2013

GEO: Princess Mimi Chocolate Brown Bambi Series Circle Lens Review **Light Eyes**

I have a large obsession with brown eyes, so of course I've always wanted brown eyes! Not forever, just for funzies. I also have a huge obsession with circle lenses, I just love the dolly look they give me. (:
So, I'm kinda on a quest to find the perfect brown circle lens for LIGHT EYES. Earlier when I was in Korea, I had the chance to try on like 10 pairs of brown, yet they all looked horrible. So, when I went home, I got on the computer and found I spent many days scrolling through all the browns, and finally bought my first online pair -the best looking brown I could find and with at least one light eye photo. It took exactly 14 days for them to arrive at my doorstep, and I got the cutest case. (:

Natural Eye
One in, One out
Natural Light
 Hallway Light
Comfort: I would give these a 3.5/5 for comfort. I can wear them for 3 hours at most, they kinda get irritating. 
Enlargement: 5/5 
Vibrancy: 4/5 
Overall, I'd say they were a pretty great choice for my first pair. They're not that noticable unless it's super bright or someones standing way too close to me. ^-^

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

I'm Beginning to Look a Lot Like CHRISTMAS!

 Yes , me. Yesterday I wrapped myself up in Christmas lights, set my camera on timer, and took some pretty awesome(well at least I think) photos. Because EVERYONE needs those typical wrapped up in Christmas lights photos at least once in their life. I, myself, find them so pretty and artistic! I also love how everyone has their own interpretation of these photos, it's fun to look at all of them. My friend, LJ, on the other hand does not get the concept. He posted a while back on Facebook asking why people did such a thing. Of course I had to bark back at him that it's artistic and looks pretty! But he still didn't get it. Later he posted a silly photo -also not-so-artistic- photo of him in lights with a caption saying: Am I cool now? Or something along those lines. Makes me sad that he can't see the beauty in those types of photos. But, oh well. I uploaded those photos to Facebook and titled the album "Dedicated to LJ" and under I put in the description that it does look cool and there is a point. Of course, the flake said nothing to me. What a butthole. But at least I am pleased with how they look. Even if wearing the lights got a little too hot after a few minutes.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Bye bye, Chicago.

 As of today, I no longer live in Chicago. It's a rather bittersweet feeling. Before I left, I was actually more excited to leave The Windy City, but now as I look through my album of Chicago, I feel a tad sad. Yes, I do not and will NEVER miss the wind, amount of homeless people, and excessively large amount of the same Louis Vuitton bags on the streets. Although, as I think of it, I will miss the convenience of walking around and the subway, the yummy pizza, the Korean church I was only able to attend 3 times, and probably most of all: Chinatown. Man, did I love that place, Boba Tea GALORE! Plus they they had a Hello Kitty shop. Oh, and I can't forget that glorious nine floor library.  (:
 But aside from that, as I think about it more and more, I do realize that I will miss Chicago quite a lot. Although I was unable to make friendships, just a simple meet someone and saaay we'll hang out, but people these days...just say that. "Let's hang out" really is code for, I'm trying to be nice, but I'm just going to ignore you after today, since I'll most likely never see you again. I guess it's sort of a good thing I didn't really make any friends there, I'm not leaving anyone behind. No one to say "oh, I miss you so much" to. Guess having no friends does have it's ups! ^-^

 I can't say I'll cry about leaving Chicago, I think it's a great place to visit, but to live? Meh, it's not the life for me. Can't keep up with so many fashion trends and rich people. I'll sure visit someday in the future, with a friend, so it won't be as lonely. Chicago is super fun if you have: MONEY AND FRIENDS. Which I had neither of. Oh well, twas a good experience. Off to Seattle I go!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Dear TLC, What's with Atlanta?

 Ever since I have moved to Chicago, my sister and I watch TLC like...every day. I could practically tell you the line up of the shows if you asked. I personally get excited to see the new Breaking Amish episodes, I find them most intriguing. Honeybooboo is a close second because I find them entertaining and also, I don't think you could find anyone more likely to be themselves in front of a camera! I give them props. But enough with my taste in the shows.
Tonight I watched the season premier of Undercover Princes. At first when I saw the commercials, I was like why would you have to have a TV show? To me, if a prince wants to find a girl who will love him for him, why do you need a camera man following you? Of course that's going to get you a lot of attention from girls. Second, why do they need to be all together? Doesn't that seem a bit odd? That just seems to add on the attention. Thirdly, and this is a personal question, but WHY ATLANTA? Why Georgia? What's up with all of these shows in Georgia? Honeybooboo, Say Yes to the Dress: Atlanta, and now this show. I find it rather odd for so many shows to take place in one city, and for it to be Atlanta to say the least. But anyways, I personally think if they're trying to be "undercover" then they should do it the right way: without a camera crew following you around. Lord knows big fancy cameras get anyone attention.
Another thing that has brought me to thinking as watching this is the extreme jealousy. I mean...who wouldn't want a prince to marry? Plus one that wants to marry just a plain Jane? Well, that sounds unheard of actually, but if anything those British boys have very charming accents. I think the most laid back is the Spanish prince. He seems to me to be go with the flow and very good at keeping low key. Now, Indian prince seems to be most likely to break that low key. He's quite a character.
Nevertheless, this show makes for great entertainment, but really, if you want to find true love...don't have a camera crew following you. AND DON'T GO ALL TO THE SAME PLACE. For real.

Friday, August 31, 2012

"Mirror Mirror"

These photos are from about two almost three months ago, but I just love them so much I wish everyone could see them!
Back in June, my mom brought home some of her old furniture that had been sitting in a friends basement. Among them was and AWESOME giant, round mirror. Once I laid eyes on it, I knew I wanted to take photos in it. I knew of a really pretty place like maybe a block away from my house that I could take it to and set it in. The place is what I call "Narnia" it truly has a magical look to it. Out of all the ugly in Greeley, it really is one of the prettiest places. It's infested with insects and other creatures, but it's still better than all of the houses to look at.
Anyway, my picture in my mind was fairytale like, the mirror had another world in it. Sort of already thought of, but I still wanted to take these photos.
The princess is portrayed by me in my lime green prom dress. As much as I hated the colour of that dress, the shape and style was perfect.
The story that always comes up in my head, it there is a princess who is walking through the woods and she stumbles upon this opening in to a part of the woods she's never been. When she walks in through, it's like nothing she has ever seen. Then, she spots this mirror, it draws her in. I don't really know what kind other world I want it to be, but I made either the Outside or the mirror black and white. Never leaving both in colour. There are some exceptions to this in Megans.

Then there is Megan, the "witch" so to say, the wicked one. I see her portayal as more of a vanity. Kinda like the "Tangled" effect. She stumbles upon the mirror before anyone else, and she wants to keep it a secret. Sadly, I don't have the photos of the both of us on my computer. But, in our photos, she is following me around. It shows me walking around and she is secretly behind me.

Kinda like Snow White but obviously not the same costume or backdrop.
It was so fun taking these photos. (: I took Megans, and she took mine. I just love getting dressed up and taking awesome photos. Even though it was hard getting a giant, round mirror in to "Narnia" and we may have gotten a few weird looks, the outcome was spendid!